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Telegram allows you to schedule messages to be sent at a particular time. Further, you can also send ‘silent’ messages without sound when you do not want to disturb the receiver. This can be ideal when you want to send your boss a message, while you know he/she is in a meeting or when you want to send a friend something important when they’re out with their family. Custom Folders Infinite Reactions

If you’re a particularly private person and troubled by news reports regarding online security and privacy breaches, you should absolutely consider using Telegram with secret chats enabled. You will have largely the same experience as with more popular messaging apps, with greater peace of mind. Take Control of Telegram Privacy and Security Telegram users will now be able to press and hold any items in the list to reorder them and change their priority – downloading the top file first. Verification Badges in Chats

What does 5G mean for iPhone users in India? To find more themes, Android users can try the Themes for Telegram app. If you use an iPhone, have a look at the Telegram Themes subreddit. As Telegram keeps growing at rocket speed, many users have expressed their will to support our team. Today we're launching Premium Telegram Premium – a subscription that lets you support Telegram's continued development and gives you access to exclusive additional features. Manage When Old Sessions are Automatically Terminated

Signal Vs. Telegram: Which Secure Messaging App Is Better? {}

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